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The Y2K bug was a computer error or bug that may have caused problems processing data after December 31, 1999, the "Millennium Bug". (The letter K for kilo (unit of thousands) is often used to represent 1,000, so Y2K represents the year 2000.) Many skeptics think this is of little concern.
When complex computer programs were created in the 1960s and 1980s, computer engineers used his two-digit code for the year. "19" is omitted. The date was 70, not 1970. The engineers cut the date short because storing data on computers was expensive and took up a lot of space.
As the year 2000 approached, a computer programmer realized that the computer might interpret he 00 as 1900 instead of 2000. Daily or yearly programmed activities are damaged or defective. Dec 31, 1999 made him Jan 1, 2000, so the computer could interpret him Dec 31, 1999 and he could become Jan 1, 1900. Banks that calculated interest daily faced a real problem. Interest is the amount that the lender pays. B. a bank, a customer, z. B. an individual or company to whom a loan is claimed. The computer calculates the interest rate for minus 100 years instead of the interest rate for one day.

Tech centers such as power plants were also threatened by the Y2K bug. Power plants rely on routine computer maintenance for safety checks such as water pressure and radiation levels. Without accurate dates, these calculations can be messed up and endanger nearby residents. Transportation also depends on the exact time and date. Airlines in particular were at risk because so few flights were scheduled in 1900 that it threatened the computers with records of all scheduled flights.
The Year 2000 problem was both a software and a hardware problem. Software refers to electronic programs used to tell a computer what to do. Hardware is the machine of the computer itself. Software and hardware companies tried to fix the error and offered "Y2K compatible" programs. The simplest solution was the best. The date was simply expanded to four digits. Governments, especially the US and UK, have worked to address this issue.
In the end, we had very few problems. At a nuclear power plant in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan, part of the radiation equipment failed, but back-up facilities did not pose a danger to the public. The US spotted a missile launch in Russia and attributed it to the Y2K bug. But the missile launch was pre-planned as part of Russia's conflict in the Chechen Republic. I had no problems with my computer.
Countries such as Italy, Russia and South Korea did little to prepare for the year 2000. they no longer had technical problems

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